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16 January 2020, 9.00 am (Italy time)

Via Skype




9.00 Welcome by UNICAS Rector  Prof. Giovanni Betta, coordinator

9.10 DESTT project by proff Natalya Shaydorova and Prof. Michail Pevzner

9.30 The contract by Prof. Alessandro Figus 

9.40 the kick off Meeting in Cassino by Prof Alessandro Figus and Prof. Giovanni Betta

9.50 Question time

10.10 Conclusion

Kick-off Meeting

Cassino, Italy     4-8 February 2020

At the beginning of February 2020, our partners met in Italy at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, the grant holder of the project, to lay the basis of the development of the project and start the work.


The project partners together in Cassino

DESTT 2° MEETING Programme

Via Skype

27 March 2020 9.00 am Italy time



9.00 Welcome and news by UNICAS Rector  Prof. Giovanni Betta, coordinator

9.15 DESTT news and update by Prof. Alessandro Figus 

9.30 The partner agreement by prof. Diana Spulber and Prof. Giovanni Betta

9.50 Question time

10.20 Communication about the payments of Kick off meeting mobility by Barbara Sbardella

10.30 Conclusion


Prof. Shaydorova briefly introduced the DESTT project to the attendees, and explained the dynamics relating to the construction of the web. It will be important to have a new domain and have it for at least 5 years.


Prof. Figus introduced the idea to create social pages for the project. DESTT social media pages will need to be updated often, as they will be a vital tool for the dissemination activity.

Prof. Kurmashev, in quality of DESTT IT Head of Department at North Kazakhstan University, proposed to take charge of the activities of the DESTT facebook page.


ON LINE MEETING 6th May 2020

Meeting Agenda 

 Welcome by UNICAS Rector  Prof. Giovanni Betta, coordinator

 Info about NEO Russia, by Prof. Giovanni Betta and Prof. Shaydarova
 Info about NEO Kazakhstan, by Prof. Alessandro Figus
 DESTT project update by Prof. Betta, Alessandro Figus, Natalia Shaydarova
 THE DeSTT QA system and the partner involvement, the role of the EU partner
 First question time
 info and news about the Virtual Workshop “The most important startup questions about Concepts and Models of Training Teachers for Leadership” 4 June (webinar)
(Prof. Betta, Figus, Spulber, Pevzner)
 news about Website/Facebook (Prof. Shaydarova and Prof. Figus, NKSU Team, Vadim/Dmitriy)
 administrative situation (Prof. Spulber and Dr. Sbardella)
 various/Final questions time

 Conclusion

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Virtual Tour at North Kazakhstan State University . Kazakhstan 
24th September h. 14.30


Finally, we are in presence!

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5-12 September 2021

At UIB Almaty, Kazakhstan

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KAZAKHSTAN  10 September 2021  meeting 

Almaty, Kazakhstan


from the left:  Natalia  Shaydorova (NOVSU, Russia),
Giansaya Tatayeva  (UIB, Almaty),
the NEO Kaz  coordinator Shaizada  Tasbulatova,
Alessandro  Figus (UNICAS  Italy)
and Ramon Angel Bouzas Lorenzo (University of Compostela, Spain)

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Meeting at Abai pedagogical University in Almaty, Kazakhstan.between Prof. Alessandro Figus and Prof. Tazhina (UIB) with the with the academic affairs vice-rector Bektemesov Maktagali Abdimazhitovich on September 20 at 16.00 Almaty time. Discussion about the possible cooperation between DeSTT and Abai University in the framework of teachers training for leadership.

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22nd September 2021
h. 11 am PETROPAVL

Meeting with
the Rector of M. KOZYBAYEV University
Prof. Шуланов Ерлан Нурлыбекович 

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Meeting with

Prof. Murzalinova at the branch in Petropavl of the National Center for Professional Development “Orleu”.



National Center for Professional Development “Orleu”

JSC National Center for Professional Development “Orleu” (“the Center”) was established in 2012, the merger of institutes for professional development in 14 regions, in Astana and Almaty but also Petropavl.  Annually, more than 50,000 in-service teachers of different formal stages of education (from pre-school to higher education) participate in professional development courses offered by the Center and commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science.


Orleu is interested in cooperating with DESTT team to improve the teacher's training for leadership.

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Training activities at NKU,
Petropavl 28 Oct - 2 Nov 2021

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Training by Fondazione Sicurezza & Libertà

Rome, 25-29 October 2021

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ALMATY   2nd November 2021

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ALMATY 2nd November 2021

Second round Meeting at Abai Pedagogical University in Almaty, Kazakhstan between Prof. Alessandro Figus and Prof. Tazhina (UIB) with the academic affairs vice-rector Bektemesov Maktagali Abdimazhitovich and his staff.  

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Meeting at ORLEU Almaty with the participation of UNICAS and UIB, finalized to improving common training activity for teachers leadership.

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December 2021 Meeting at UIB Kazakhstan

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the meeting carried out also on line, involving alla partner University
(Russian and Mongolian)

8 March 2022 
Meeting with Italian Ambassador in Mongolia Laura Bottà

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Meeting with Italian Ambassador Laura Bottà, discussion about the project and Visa issue. Possibility to meet EU delegation in Mongolia

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Meeting at MUST with the vice President prof. Ganzorig Nadmintseden

Meeting at MULS with the President prof. Tumurbaatar Kheruuga

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November 2022
Meeting at NKU for Administrative tasks and organisational management

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working inDeSTT Centre at NKU

November 2022
Meeting at UIB for Administrative tasks and  organisational management

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Meeting at UIB with the new contact person Aidana Duseikina, Prof. Giovanni Betta
and UIb Vice Rectors

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March 2023
Training and Board meeting

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